Amazon Pro Webinar Netherlands

Date: Thursday 18th of March 20:00 - 21:30

Language: English

Dutch Amazon Mastermind

Orange Sellers has been organizing Amazon Maasterrmind events over the past couple of years, with much success. After 14 real life events, this will be the second digital meetup. We've had a lot of amazing speakers, who shared their personal expertise with selling on Amazon and what it takes to be successful. With this meetup, we're going back to basics. It's all about Picutres and knowing if you fully optimized you listing's potential.

For who?

With the program we focus on experiences sellers, be it private label or companies that see Amazon as a serious retail channel. If you're just starting up or maybe interested to start selling on Amazon, feel free to join. But make sure you keep your notepad ready.

Mastermind Key-points

Automated Picture Comparison

20:00 - 20:30

- Kim van Iersel -

Seven figure seller and a power woman, Kim is one of the members of this mastermind. She is smart and understands coding. This meeting will be about how to automate competitors pictures comparison.

Round Tables

21:00 - 21:30

We will meet on Airmeet. Here you will find multiple tables to join. Every table is about a different topic. Like PPC, Pictures, Launching, Reviews etc. 

Everyone is free to join a table and share.

How To Sell Your Amazon Business

20:30 - 21:00

- Jeroen Cappendijk -

From the valuation, to ways to improve the valuation. From the brokers, lawyers, accountants to tax advisors. From staging to negotiations and closing. Loaded with valuable tips and tricks. An educational and entertaining book for business owners, as well as for professionals that help them, such as brokers, lawyers, accountants and tax advisors.



Massy Wahab

Amazon Expert - Host

Massy has been active on Amazon for over 7 years. He is using this experience to help brands on the Amazon Platform.


Kim van Iersel

Amazon Seller - Speaker

Seven figure seller, industrial designer and mastermind member.


Jeroen Cappendijk

Amazon Seller - Speaker

He collected the most valuable knowledge and tips on how to sell your Amazon and e-commerce business or company.



Where experts in the Amazon field will be giving you all the important tools on how to become successful yourself. These seminars are aimed at branded companies, B2B sellers that would like to sell directly B2C and people that sell on Amazon under a private label.